Lewis and Clark Trail

Monday, August 28, 2006

24 August 2006 – Bike Notes

Today, I went from Jackson up in the Big Hole, over Big Hole Pass and Badger Pass through Dillon and ended up in Twin Bridges. 78 miles. Biked from 9:20 to 5:30. I woke up to frost this morning and tried to do everything I could from inside the sleeping bag.

I wore fleece for the first 5 miles then moved to wearing the outer shell of my fleece/shell combo. Then back to regular biking clothes later in the day. As an aside, I know it looks like I am wearing the same clothes day after day but I have three changes of clothes so I can wear a set, wash them in the evening and if it take longer than a day for them to dry, I still have another pair to wear. And they all look the same.

I did Big Hole Pass in one huge effort. Saw a couple of elk at the bottom of the hill going up. Pretty cool. I also saw a herd of pronghorn antelope earlier in the day.

In Twin Bridges, I got a spot on the lawn next to the bathhouse at the Stone Fly Cabins for $15 cash (it would be more if I paid by another method [you know, the pesky government getting in the way of commerce thing]). There were no tables to cook on so and with this wind and only grass to cook on. I ate at the Wagon Wheel. I went to chat with Tac on the pay phone that was at the other end of town (7 blocks away). On the way back, life got a little more interesting (read next post).

I took some pictures of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Park in Twin Bridges on my way back into town.