Lewis and Clark Trail

Monday, August 21, 2006

16 August 2006 - General Notes

Rode from Lewis and Clark State Park to Lewiston (Hell's Gate State Park). 102 miles today with errands and all.

Left at 8:05 and passed the "Jolly Green Giant" in Dayton (that's him in the photo! - just a lame painting on the side of a hill). Passed through Pomeroy and made the long climb to Alpowa Summit. Tough but doable. 5 miles of 6% grade on the other side. Scary fast again. The area I went through today is Lewis and Clark's overland route to the three rivers area. The Nez Perce Indians showed them this route. The Nez Perce used this route often and long enough that it wore dents in the hillsides that are visible today (photo to come).

About ten miles west of Clarkston I passed the Chief Timothy Memorial Bridge. (see photo) It is a bridge built in 1932 over a small creek.There is a decaying placard there that recounts what great contributions Chief Timothy (Temuut'su) made to the early white settlers (fighting to defend them, etc.). Because of his contributions to the early setttlers of Washington state, the state has set aside this decaying bridge in his honor. Why did the United States screw the natve Americans so badly after Lewis and Clark distributed "Peace Medals" all along their path? Perhaps they were "rest in peace" medals.

I got some new brakes in Lewiston and forgot to stop at the Post office until I was halfway out to Hell's Gate. I got the package that Tac had sent me. Chocolate Chip cookies and Chamois Butt'r from Beth Tac. It really helps reduce chafing.

I set up camp and had dinner at the Main Street Grill. Returned to find that the people in Campsite 77 are having party. They partied until 2:30. At 11:30 I asked them politely to be quiet. At 2:30, I was reduced to threatening them. I got to sleep around 3:00 am.

Happy Birthday to me. I turned forty today.